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You have the power already within you
Everywhere we turn there is someone or something telling us they have the "thing" that is going to help "fix" us. As if, it's outside of...
More Ease For Our Teens
Anxiety and stress have become all to common place for teens. Anxiety is no longer a sometimes situation for our teens. Far too many...
I see you
I see you I hear you I honor you I believe you I hold you in love I’m going to real, real quick. This political climate has trigger a...
Love Is Your Super Power
Last evening I watched the national news, which I do very seldom because it brings my energy down fast. When I'm down, I don't have...
Self Compassion = Compassion for all
Self compassion ~ is a dialogue with one's self that includes gently holding yourself (inner-self) with kindness and love, with ability...
Its time to sticking up for yourself with yourself <3
It’s been a while now since I’ve been in this space. I’ve taken some time to pull back, time I’ve needed. I’ve felt a bit like a pinball...
No rest for Daddy
Daddy Moving, shifting, scratching, up out of the bed , then back down in the bed. Moving, shifting, scratching, up out of the bed, then...
It's none of my business.
There is so much brewing inside of me, so much to write about. But right now its going to be about not giving a shit what other people...
Infinity and Beyond
I know I am always saying to look for the signs of love abounding all around us, this is a reminder to me as well as to you. There are...
Peace is within
Our mission in this life is to find peace in our daily lives. Yet we are constantly getting in our own way (insert myself here!), by...
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